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Maximizing Productivity for Working Parents

working parent shares the laptop keyboard with their child

Being a working parent is a challenging task. It requires juggling work and family life demands, often with little time or energy to spare. As a working parent, you may face unique challenges. These include finding affordable childcare, dealing with work-related stress, or not having enough time for yourself. Maximizing your productivity as a parent is crucial to your work-life balance and avoiding burnout. From flexible work arrangements to establishing an adequate workspace, we’ll review some productivity and self-care tips for working parents.

Time Management and Prioritization

There’s a great analogy about how to prioritize your time and commitments. It starts with a jar, and it’s filled first with the largest items, down to the smallest items. Finally, the crevices are filled with water (the smallest of matter). However, when done in reverse, there’s almost no room for the largest items when the smaller items are first prioritized. This is how we like to approach prioritizing time and commitments as a parent.

group of people sit along table-lined windows while remote working, overlooking pine trees and Deschutes river in Bend Oregon
Working parents often find refuge within coworking spaces.

Creating a daily schedule that accommodates work and family commitments requires careful planning and flexibility. Parents can start by setting clear boundaries and allocating specific time blocks for work, family time, and personal activities.

Striking a balance can look like:

  • Identifying and focusing on high-priority tasks
  • Involving the family in planning
  • Making use of productivity tools
  • Communicating boundaries with employers and clients

Some of the best and easiest tools include a shared Google calendar, a visible dry-erase calendar at home, and family app Cozi.

The Importance of Self-Care

Ok, we get it—”self-care” can be a bit of a sensationalized term. However, proper self-care is crucial to your well-being as a working person and a parent. In fact, the importance of self-care for working parents cannot be overstated. Taking time to prioritize physical, emotional, and mental well-being allows parents to recharge and better cope with the demands of work and family responsibilities.

Self-care reduces stress and sets a positive example for children, modeling for them the value of maintaining a healthy work-life and family balance.

View of people doing yoga on a deck overlooking deschutes river as a part of Springtime Activities for Haven Members
Authentic self-care is crucial to your well-being as a working parent.

So, what is some authentic self-care in which parents can invest?

  1. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment helps reduce stress and provides an opportunity to unwind and recharge.
  2. Regular exercise promotes physical health and boosts energy levels while taking moments of relaxation. This allows parents to clear their minds and return to their responsibilities with a refreshed perspective. 
  3. Prioritizing these activities may require intentional time management. However, improved mood, increased productivity, and better work-life balance make it worthwhile for working parents.
  4. Seeking support from family members, friends, and coworkers may seem obvious, but its benefits can offer a significant reprieve. From receiving additional work support to friends and family offering to care for a child for a few hours, this aid can help parents create space for self-care.

Establishing an Effective Workspace

Flexible work arrangements are becoming increasingly common. Why? Because bosses and C-suite executives are noticing the reduced costs of hybrid work. As the RTO (return-to-office) push slows, there’s more opportunity to find—or create—a flexible job. It’s also a sign that flexibility is the future of work. For those who are fully remote, exploring flexible workspace options such as a coworking space is the best place to start.

Dedicated and flexible workspaces help eliminate distractions.

Coworking spaces offer a break from the work-from-home distractions (hello, dirty dishes and laundry side-eyeing you as you work!) along with a professional space to work. Here, you can build a strong support network among other working parents, and even swap tips and ideas. A dedicated workspace allows workers to focus better, sans distraction, and creates separation between home and work.

Embracing the challenges and joys of being a working parent is a transformative journey filled with growth and fulfillment. While it may involve juggling various responsibilities and facing occasional setbacks, it also offers valuable personal and professional development opportunities. Working parents can find a unique sense of accomplishment and purpose in navigating this fulfilling role through resilience, adaptability, and the joy of witnessing their children’s growth.

working mom sips a cup of coffee while working on her laptop an holding her child

Coworking for Working Parents

Recognizing the benefits of coworking spaces in supporting work-life balance can be a game-changer for working parents. Coworking spaces provide a flexible and professional environment where parents can focus on their work without the distractions of home while still being close to their families. The amenities and networking opportunities offered in coworking spaces can enhance productivity and provide a sense of community, making it easier for parents to strike a harmonious balance between their professional and parental responsibilities.

The Haven offers an array of coworking memberships catered to your needs. Perks include access outside of working hours, full-time, and part-time tiers. Our couples membership allows two people in the same household to share a membership; a popular choice among working parents. If you’re curious about coworking and want to see if it’s right for you, try our trial membership for just $149 for your first month.

Meet the author

Headshot of Nancy Patterson

Nancy Patterson

Haven Member, Social Media Manager

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Haven Member, Social Media Manager