The Haven acknowledges that institutions have perpetuated systems of racism and oppression that have compounding impacts on people’s ability to thrive. We know these systems of oppression make it harder for women, people of color, LGTBQ+ folks, disabled people, and other people who experience oppression to start a business, receive investment, or be a CEO. We want to see that change and we are trying to do our part.
We offer membership fellowships for:
- People who experience oppression, including people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and disabled people
- People from low-income families, with a priority on women
- Students under the age of 24, with a priority for women pursuing entrepreneurship
- Early-stage entrepreneurs, with a priority for women who aren’t yet generating revenue
All information provided in this application is strictly confidential and will not be used in anyway beyond making a fellowship decision.
The Haven is a small start-up, but we are committed to doing as much as we can to level the playing field. We are currently allocating $5,000/mo towards Fellowships and hope to be able to increase that amount as we grow and become a sustainable business.
Thank you for your interest in joining The Haven community.
If you qualify under one of these categories, please fill out this form and we’ll contact you with more information.
We also offer a 10% discount for non-profit employees. To request this discount email us at