Health, Remote Working|

Environmental Impacts of Remote Working

Even before the beginning of the pandemic, working from home has been a trend catalyzed by advancements in technology and the ongoing digital revolution. While this paradigm change has undeniably reshaped how we approach work, it has also yielded unforeseen environmental benefits.

From reduced carbon emissions associated with daily commutes to the conservation of office resources, this new work landscape presents an opportunity for a more positive impact on the environment. Working from home may create a win-win situation for professionals and the planet while positively contributing to the environmental impacts of remote working.

Reduces Commuting

One of the most prominent environmental benefits of remote working lies in its capacity to significantly reduce commuting-related greenhouse gas emissions. The traditional daily commute contributes substantially to air pollution and carbon footprints.

By adopting remote work practices, employees can eliminate or substantially curtail their daily journeys, translating into substantially decreasing vehicular emissions. In fact, it is predicted that those who work from home or a nearby coworking space full-time will reduce their emissions by 54%. This decrease not only eases the strain on our atmosphere but also results in enhanced air quality in cities.

View from outside The Haven looking in through big windows where members are working at their laptops.
Less commute time means more productivity and better environmental impacts of remote working.

Increases energy efficiency

The remote working environmental impact extends beyond reducing commuting emissions to encompass a notable increase in energy efficiency. With a growing number of professionals working remotely, companies are reevaluating the necessity of maintaining large physical offices.

In fact, 75% of companies planned to reduce their office square footage in 2024. This new perspective helps organizations reduce their office size, resulting in less energy used for lighting, heating, cooling, and other facilities.

The shift towards a decentralized work model aligns with cost-saving initiatives. Additionally, it marks a positive stride towards sustainability. Remote working not only benefits the bottom line for businesses but contributes to a more resource-conscious and environmentally friendly approach in the corporate world.

Reduces waste

The positive environmental impacts of remote working extend to waste reduction, particularly in the realm of single-use plastics. As people work from home more, they use fewer disposable items that are usually used in offices every day.

With employees spending less time in physical offices, the demand for takeout meals and single-use plastic containers diminishes as individuals opt for home-cooked meals or more sustainable packaging alternatives.

Moreover, the reduced foot traffic in office spaces leads to decreased consumption of disposable office supplies, further curbing unnecessary waste. This collective shift towards remote working fosters a more eco-friendly lifestyle for individuals. Further, it contributes to a wider reduction in the environmental footprint associated with disposable materials.

white reusable mugs with haven logo that contribute to environmental benefits of remote working
Commitment to reusable materials significantly reduces our waste impact.

Contributing to Environmental Impacts of Remote Working

As companies and management embrace the flexibility of remote employees, the environmental impacts extend to both individuals and corporate practices. By fostering a more sustainable approach to daily routines, everyone wins. If you are working remotely, it may be wonderful to know the positive impact it can have on the environment.

The Haven Coworking makes it easy to get the satisfaction of a coworking space while still working remotely. Here, we make strides to purchase locally and sustainably, benefiting the environment and local economy. Additionally, our Teams Memberships allow your small or hybrid business to operate more efficiently, economically, and sustainably.

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Headshot of Nancy Patterson

Nancy Patterson

Haven Member, Social Media Manager

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Nancy Patterson

Haven Member, Social Media Manager